Letter to a NICU Mom on Mother’s Day

Mother reclining with infant skin to skin in the NICU on Mother's Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you incredible NICU mamas!!!

Whether you’re celebrating your first Mother’s Day or you’ve been a mom for many years, Mother’s Day in the NICU can feel very different from the special day you imagined- but I don’t want you to be discouraged.

Even though this isn’t exactly the beginning you imagined for your precious baby, you are doing an outstanding job of navigating these unexpected challenges, and I want to take a moment to celebrate you and all the wonderful things you do to support your child.

Every time you walk in that door, please know that your baby feels your presence and your powerful love…

When you cuddle your little one to your chest in those precious skin to skin moments, think of how safe your NICU baby feels in your arms. Her heart beats peacefully and she breathes calmly knowing that she is loved, cherished, and protected by her mama.

The books that you read calm and soothe him with the beautiful music of his mother’s voice. He hears you, Mama, (even if he can’t quite look at the pictures yet!), and your voice is his favorite sound.

NICU sponge baths and tiny preemie gowns might not have been on your baby registry, but as you help with these simple tasks your baby knows that you will be there to care for them always and forever.

Each milestone moment that you jot down and accomplishment that you share creates a memento of your baby’s special NICU journey and a testament to the strength of a mother’s love.

It’s okay to be a little sad on Mother’s Day- I know this isn’t how you pictured it. But don’t forget to find the joy in the little moments.

Today, when you are by your little one’s side, take a minute to focus on you- your strength, your courage, and your devotion to your family.

You are amazing, NICU mom, and your baby loves you so.

Happy Mother’s Day.

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