The #1 First Year Calendar for NICU Families

The #1 First Year Calendar for NICU Families

Baby’s first year is priceless!

It flies by in the blink of an eye and no parent wants to forget any of those precious firsts. 

In my years as a NICU nurse, I’ve been awed by all the creative ways parents document their baby’s first days, and their ingenuity inspired me to create Every Tiny Thing’s My First Year calendar. 

How is this calendar different from other first year calendars? 

NICU babies face unique challenges, and their major milestones can be quite different from other babies’. I wanted to create a calendar that would not only help parents chronicle the first year but could also help inspire them in the early days. 

Sometimes when parents look at their tiny, fragile babies it can be hard to envision better days ahead, so I designed a full array of adorable stickers to mark every milestone. These stickers help reassure parents that their babies will do all those “normal” things like smile that first toothless smile, or take that first step, but it also helps them celebrate the joyous accomplishments that are exclusive to the NICU experience. 

What if my baby is only in the NICU for a few weeks?

That’s wonderful! We’re so happy when families can go home after a few short weeks, but your calendar doesn’t need to stop after you leave the NICU! You can use it to record all the special highlights of the first year long after you’ve left the hospital. 

That’s one of the things I love most about this calendar- it’s perfect for every NICU family, whether you stay a week or two, a couple of months, or even longer. 

I have a journal- why do I need a calendar too? 

We have a NICU journal that’s perfect for tracking the many details of your child’s NICU journey, but I also wanted to offer parents a fun, easy way to remember the highlights of each day.

NICU parents already have a lot on their plates, and they might not have time to write a detailed journal entry each day. The calendar makes it easy to jot a quick note or triumph- and those notes add up to a meaningful reminder of your baby’s incredible first year. 

Remember your baby’s first preemie outfit? Their first night home?

How about the first time you held your little one in your arms and gave them a bottle? 

And even though you’d never forget the day your tiny fighter came off the ventilator and started breathing on her own, you’ll still feel your heart swell with joy and gratitude when you see that momentous day captured forever on your My First Year calendar

So, where can I get one? 

I’m glad you asked! 

Visit our online store learn more about the My First Year Calendar, and order one for you or someone you love. They are also available on Amazon

I am so excited to offer parents a way to document their baby’s first days in the NICU and beyond. Each moment of your child’s first year is precious, and I’m honored to be a part of your journey.

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