How to use "Our NICU Journey" Daily Notes Journal

Our NICU Journey is designed to help make it easier for you to keep track of all the information that most NICU parents like to keep track of. 


This is how the daily tracking pages are designed to be used:


NICU journey daily notes sample page how to use

Here are a Couple of Examples:

Sample #1 - 3 day old baby who is 29 weeks, 2 days gestational age

sample page of nicu journal for 29 weeker preemie in nicu


sample #2 - 32 day old baby who is now 35 weeks, 4 days gestational age

sample nicu journal entry for 32 day old preemie

Here's how many families use the "Thoughts of the Week" page to document more thoughts & feelings, as well as using the space for adding weekly baby photos

sample of how to use nicu journal to write thoughts of the week, feelings, keep photo
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